Items where Author is "Suseendran, G."

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Number of items: 55.

Suseendran, G. and Akila, D. and Vijaykumar, Hannah and Jabeen, T. Nusrat and Nirmala, R. and Nayyar, Anand (2022) Multi-sensor information fusion for efficient smart transport vehicle tracking and positioning based on deep learning technique. The Journal of Supercomputing, 78 (5). pp. 6121-6146. ISSN 0920-8542

Anandan, R. and Suseendran, G. and Chatterjee, Pushpita and Jhanjhi, Noor Zaman and Ghosh, Uttam (2022) How COVID-19 is Accelerating the Digital Revolution: Challenges and Opportunities. Springer International Publishing, Cham. ISBN 978-3-030-98167-9

Elavarasi, S. and Suseendran, G. (2021) Automatic Robot Processing Using Speech Recognition System. Automatic Robot Processing Using Speech Recognition System. pp. 185-195.

Anandan, R. and Deepak, B.S. and Suseendran, G. and Jhanjhi, Noor Zaman (2021) Internet of Things Platform for Smart Farming: Internet of Robotic Things and Ubiquitous Computing. In: Human Communication Technology. Wiley, pp. 337-369. ISBN 9781119752165

Humayun, Mamoona and Hamid, Bushra and Jhanjhi, NZ and Suseendran, G. and Talib, M N (2021) 5G Network Security Issues, Challenges, Opportunities and Future Directions: A Survey. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1979 (1). 012037. ISSN 1742-6588

Thiyagaraj, M. and Suseendran, G. (2021) Enhanced Prediction of Heart Disease Using Particle Swarm Optimization and Rough Sets with Transductive Support Vector Machines Classifier. Enhanced Prediction of Heart Disease Using Particle Swarm Optimization and Rough Sets with Transductive Support Vector Machines Classifier. pp. 141-152.

Suseendran, G. and Chandrasekaran, E. and Akila, D. and Sasi Kumar, A. (2021) Banking and FinTech (Financial Technology) Embraced with IoT Device. Banking and FinTech (Financial Technology) Embraced with IoT Device. pp. 197-211.

Rajesh, P. and Suseendran, G. (2021) Prediction of N-Gram Language Models Using Sentiment Analysis on E-Learning Reviews. 2020 International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM). pp. 510-514.

Suseendran, G. and Balaganesh, D. and Akila, D. and Pal, Souvik (2021) Deep learning frequent pattern mining on static semi structured data streams for improving fast speed and complex data streams. 2021 7th International Conference on Optimization and Applications (ICOA). pp. 1-8.

Isabella, S. Josephine and Srinivasan, Sujatha and Suseendran, G. (2021) A Framework Using Binary Cross Entropy - Gradient Boost Hybrid Ensemble Classifier for Imbalanced Data Classification. Webology, 18 (1). pp. 104-120. ISSN 1735188X

Shaik Mazhar, S. A. and Suseendran, G. (2021) Precision Pig Farming Image Analysis Using Random Forest and Boruta Predictive Big Data Analysis Using Neural Network and K- Nearest Neighbor. 2021 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM). pp. 260-264. ISSN 2021 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM)

Pal, Souvik and Suseendran, G. and Akila, D. and Jayakarthik, R. and Jabeen, T. Nusrat (2021) Advanced FFT architecture based on Cordic method for Brain signal Encryption system. In: 2021 2nd International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM), Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Akila, D. and Jeyalaksshmi, S. and Jayakarthik, R. and Mathivilasini, S. and Suseendran, G. (2021) Biometric Authentication With Finger Vein Images Based On Quadrature Discriminant Analysis. In: 2021 2nd International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM), Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Elangovan, V. R. and Joe, A. J. Rajeswari and Akila, D. and Shankari, K. Hema and Suseendran, G. (2021) Heart atherosclerosis detection using FCM+kMeans Algorithm. In: 2021 2nd International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM), Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Suseendran, G. and Akila, D. and Balaganesh, D. and Elangovan, V.R. and Vijayalakshmi, V. (2021) Incremental Multi-Feature Tensor Subspace Learning Based Smart Traffic Control System and Traffic Density Calculation Using Image Processing. In: 2021 2nd International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM), Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Jeyalaksshmi, S. and Nidhya, M.S. and Suseendran, G. and Pal, Souvik and Akila, D. (2021) Notice of Violation of IEEE Publication Principles: Developing Mapping and allotment in Volunteer Cloud systems using Reliability Profile algorithms in a virtual machine. In: 2021 2nd International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM), Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Varun, T. and Suseendran, G. (2021) Reforming fixed asset database in university using SQL database management system. In: 2021 2nd International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM), Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Rajesh, P. and Suseendran, G. (2021) Analysis of E-learner’s Opinion Using Automated Sentiment Analysis in E-learning and Comparison with Naive Bayes Classification, Random Forest and K-Nearest Neighbour Algorithms. In: E-learning becomes an online learning network that is more efficient and popular. Recognition of the views of the Commission’s e-learning users is also significant. E-learning is commonly referred to as instructional efforts transmitted to communicate inf. Springer, pp. 265-277.

Sowmia, B. and Suseendran, G. (2021) Anomaly Detection in Business Process Event Using KNN Algorithm. In: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Springer, pp. 189-199.

Suseendran, G. and Doss, Srinath and Pal, Souvik and Dey, Niti and Quang Cuong, Ton (2021) An Approach on Data Visualization and Data Mining with Regression Analysis. In: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer, pp. 649-660.

Purushothaman, Rajeswari and Suseendran, G. (2021) Big Data Background on the Bank Account for Progress of Income Improvement on Customers on Cloud Accounting. In: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Springer, pp. 237-245.

Humayun, Mamoona and Jhanjhi, N. Z. and Talib, M. N. and Shah, Mudassar Hussain and Suseendran, G. (2021) Cybersecurity for Data Science: Issues, Opportunities, and Challenges. In: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Springer, pp. 435-444.

Vijaykumar, Hannah and Jabeen, T. Nusrat and Nirmala, R. and Gayathri, S. and Suseendran, G. (2021) Deep Learning in Image Recognition for Easy Sketching Techniques. In: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Springer, pp. 31-40.

Punitha, A. and Sasirekha, D. and Dhanalakshmi, R. S. and Devi, K. Aruna and Suseendran, G. (2021) Deep Learning in Image Signal Processing for Minimal Method by Using Kernel DBN. In: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Springer, pp. 41-50.

Akila, D. and Jeyalaksshmi, S. and Suseendran, G. and Balaganesh, D. (2021) Executing the Apriori Hybrid Algorithm in Semi-structured Mining Datasets and Comparison with HD Algorithm. In: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer, pp. 539-547.

Hema Shankari, K. and Mathivilasini, S. and Arasu, Dilli and Suseendran, G. (2021) Genetic Algorithm Based on Test Suite Prioritization for Software Testing in Neural Network. In: Genetic Algorithm Based on Test Suite Prioritization for Software Testing in Neural Network. Springer, pp. 409-416.

Jeyalaksshmi, S. and Akila, D. and Padmapriya, D. and Suseendran, G. and Pal, Souvik (2021) Human Facial Expression Based Video Retrieval with Query Video Using EBCOT and MLP. In: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. springer, pp. 157-166.

Varun, T. and Suseendran, G. (2021) Improved Decision Tree Method in E-Learning System for Predictive Student Performance System During COVID 19. In: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Springer, pp. 525-535.

Akila, D. and Bhaumik, Amiya and Duraisamy, Balaganesh and Suseendran, G. and Pal, Souvik (2021) Improved Nature-Inspired Algorithms in Cloud Computing for Load Balancing. In: Improved Nature-Inspired Algorithms in Cloud Computing for Load Balancing. Springer, pp. 547-558.

Talib, M N and Akhtar, M and Jhanjhi, NZ and Suseendran, G. (2020) Trust framework for online products and services using grain level comparison: A solution to boot-strapping problem. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 993 (1). 012115. ISSN 1757-8981

Poovarasi, J.S.T.M. and Sujatha, Srinivasan and Suseendran, G. (2020) HYBRID REDUCTION ALGORITHM WITH CAT SWARM OPTIMIZATION FOR CHURN PREDICTION. Journal of critical reviews, 7 (07). ISSN 23945125

Josephine Isabella, S. and Srinivasan, Sujatha and Suseendran, G. (2020) An Efficient Study of Fraud Detection System Using Ml Techniques. Optimization-Based Effective Feature Set Selection in Big Data. pp. 59-67.

Vahini Ezhilraman, S. and Srinivasan, Sujatha and Suseendran, G. (2020) Gaussian Light Gradient Boost Ensemble Decision Tree Classifier for Breast Cancer Detection. In: Gaussian Light Gradient Boost Ensemble Decision Tree Classifier for Breast Cancer Detection. Springer, pp. 31-38.

Senthil, D. and Suseendran, G. (2020) Sequence Mining-Based Support Vector Machine with Decision Tree Approach for Efficient Time Series Data Classification. In: Sequence Mining-Based Support Vector Machine with Decision Tree Approach for Efficient Time Series Data Classification. Springer, pp. 3-17.

Suseendran, G. and Zaman, Noor and Thyagaraj, M. and Bathla, R. K. (2019) Heart Disease Prediction and Analysis using PCO, LBP and Neural Networks. In: 2019 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Knowledge Economy (ICCIKE), Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Senthil, D and Suseendran, G. (2019) Data Mining Techniques using Time Series Research. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8 (2S11). pp. 121-129. ISSN 2277-3878

Jeyalaksshmi, S. and Raman, V. and Suseendran, G. (2019) Data Mining in Soil & Plant Nutrient Management, Recent Advances and Future Challenges in Organic Crops. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8 (2S11). pp. 213-216. ISSN 2277-3878

Elavarasi, S. and Suseendran, G. (2019) MFCC using Speech Recognition in Computer Applications for Deaf. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8 (2S11). pp. 217-224. ISSN 2277-3878

Thiyagaraj, M. and Suseendran, G. (2019) Research of Chronic Kidney Disease based on Data Mining Techniques. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8 (2S11). pp. 115-120. ISSN 2277-3878

Amiri, I.S. and Yupapin, P. and Suseendran, G. and Palai, G. (2019) The realization of the intermediate layer (IML) in a tandem solar cell using silicon-based photonic ribbon structure. Optik, 191. pp. 43-47. ISSN 00304026

Muthukumaran, E. and Deny, J. and Perumal, B. and Suseendran, G. and Akila, D. (2019) A narrative Non-Invasive Diagnostic loom Based by the side of correlation of Nasal set Rhythm in addition to customary Three Radial Pulses Measurement. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1228 (1). 012075. ISSN 1742-6588

Kavitha, K. and Suseendran, G. (2019) Priority based Adaptive Scheduling Algorithm for IoT Sensor Systems. In: 2019 International Conference on Automation, Computational and Technology Management (ICACTM), London, United Kingdom.

Mishra, C.S. and Nayyar, Anand and Suseendran, G. and Palai, G. (2019) L-shape Si-waveguide for THz-communication. Optik, 178. pp. 509-512. ISSN 00304026

Mahalakshmi, B. and Suseendran, G. (2019) An Analysis of Cloud Computing Issues on Data Integrity, Privacy and Its Current Solutions. In: Data Management, Analytics and Innovation Proceedings of ICDMAI 2018, Volume 2. Springer, pp. 467-482.

Mahalakshmi, B. and Suseendran, G. (2019) An Analysis of Cloud Computing Issues on Data Integrity, Privacy and Its Current Solutions. In: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer, pp. 467-482.

Nayyar, Anand and Puri, Vikram and Suseendran, G. (2019) Artificial Bee Colony Optimization—Population-Based Meta-Heuristic Swarm Intelligence Technique. In: Data Management, Analytics and Innovation. Springer Link, pp. 513-525.

Suseendran, G. and Chandrasekaran, E. and Nayyar, Anand (2019) Defending Jellyfish Attack in Mobile Ad hoc Networks via Novel Fuzzy System Rule. In: Data Management, Analytics and Innovation. Springer Link, pp. 437-455.

Nathiya, T. and Suseendran, G. (2019) An Effective Hybrid Intrusion Detection System for Use in Security Monitoring in the Virtual Network Layer of Cloud Computing Technology. In: Data Management, Analytics and Innovation. Springer Link, pp. 483-497.

Doss, Srinath and Nayyar, Anand and Suseendran, G. and Tanwar, Sudeep and Khanna, Ashish and Hoang Son, Le and Huy Thong, Pham (2018) APD-JFAD: Accurate Prevention and Detection of Jelly Fish Attack in MANET. IEEE Access, 6. pp. 56954-56965. ISSN 2169-3536

Rohini, K. and Suseendran, G. (2016) Aggregated K Means Clustering and Decision Tree Algorithm for Spirometry Data. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (44). ISSN 0974-6846

Suseendran, G. and Sasikumar, A. (2016) Secure Intrusion-Detection System in Mobile Adhoc Networks. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (19). ISSN 0974-6846

Suseendran, G. and Sasikumar, A. Cross-layer Based Congestion Control and Scheduling for MANET. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research.


Thiyagaraj, M. and Suseendran, G. An Efficient Heart Disease Prediction System Using Modified Firefly Algorithm Based Radial Basis Function with Support Vector Machine. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (2).

Sasi Kumar, A. and TAMIZHSELVI, S P and Suseendran, G. A Framework for Semi Semantic Ontology Based Document Clustering in Geospatial Domain. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research.

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