Items where Author is "Senthilkumar, P."
Sathyasri, B. and Ganesh, E.N. and Senthilkumar, P. (2022) Enhance packet transmission using improved channel assignment in wireless mess network. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 33 (3). ISSN 1532-0626
Suganthi, M. and Arvinth, S. and Senthilkumar, P. (2021) Comparative bioefficacy of Bacillus and Pseudomonas chitinase against Helopeltis theivora in tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O.Kuntze. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 26 (10). pp. 2053-2060. ISSN 0971-5894
Suganthi, M. and Senthilkumar, P. and Abirami, G. and Thenmozhi, M. and Jayanthi, M (2021) Isolation and Screening of chitinase producing endophytic bacteria from Datura metal L. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 13 (3). p. 1243. ISSN 0974-3618