Items where Author is "Latha, M."
Swetha, Madireddy and Latha, M. (2023) Security on mobile cloud computing using cipher text policy and attribute based encryption scheme. Materials Today: Proceedings, 80. pp. 3059-3063. ISSN 22147853
Mohana Priya, G. and Latha, M. and Archana, K. S. (2022) Analyzing Data in Decision Making for Educational Universities Using Machine Learning. In: Ambient Communications and Computer Systems. Springer, pp. 459-466.
Priya, G. Shanmuga and Latha, M. and Manoj, K. and Prakash, Siva (2021) Unusual Activity And Anomaly Detection In Surveillance Using GMM-KNN Model. 2021 Third International Conference on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks (ICICV). pp. 1450-1457.
Praveena, S and Sheela Gowr Ponramasubbu, Gowr Ponramasubbu and Latha, M. and Archana, K.S. Controlling of electrical devices using mobility and web connectivity. Controlling of electrical devices using mobility and web connectivity.
Rao, V and Latha, M. and Archana, K.S. A secure remote mobile voting system using QR code. A secure remote mobile voting system using QR code.